"This class is all about balance which I really need and I feel safe here."


"I can now see how incredibly helpful Tai Chi is in shifting energy away from a “stressing” response towards a “centering” response"


"Tai Chi is a concept that I never thought would become part of my life. When I am in class, I am in a peaceful place that I need more of in my life. I have found the exercises easier for me to do. I have fibromyalgia and struggle with other exercise programs."  


Tai Chi

Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art is practiced today as a healing, life-giving set of movements that improve:

  • Balance & Flexibility
  • Stress management
  • Sleep 
  • Overall quality of life

Tai Chi & Chi Kung are meditations in motion, healing arts that develop internal strength and enhance health. Developed over the centuries in China, Tai Chi & Chi Kung cultivate internal energy, and help eliminate obstacles that prevent this energy from circulating freely throughout the body. This work is accomplished steadily, through meditation, relaxed movement, and mindful breathing. Without machines or strenuous floor exercise, even one hour a week is enough to begin to feel the benefits of Tai Chi. Over time, this practice can change the overall quality of life.

A recent study on the impact of Tai Chi on people with Parkinson's was recently publshed in the New Enlgand Journal of Medicine (February 2012). The study confirms that Tai Chi positively helps improve balance as well as having other positive effects.  A second article in the Health section of the New York Times asks A Downside to Tai Chi? and answers "None That I See" exploring the benefits of Tai Chi for anyone who develops a practice.

Moving Easy offers Tai Chi classes that have been specifically adapted for people living with Parkinson's, taking into consideration the individual way that the symptoms manifest from person to person. The focus is on safety first, with special attention to balance, endurance and flexibility. Class size is limited and over time a community evolves that works together and is supportive to all.